Tryhackme — Linux Fundamentals Part 3
#1 :-Edit “task3” located in “tryhackme”’s home directory using Nano. What is the flag?
#2 :-Download the file http://MACHINE_IP:8000/.flag.txt onto the TryHackMe AttackBox
What are the contents?
#3 :-If we were to launch a process where the previous ID was “300”, what would the ID of this new process be?
Answer :-301
#4 :-If we wanted to cleanly kill a process, what signal would we send it?
Answer :-SIGTERM
#5 :-Locate the process that is running on the deployed instance (MACHINE_IP). What flag is given?
#6 :-What command would we use to stop the service “myservice”?
Answer :-systemctl stop myservice
#7 :-What command would we use to start the same service on the boot-up of the system?
Answer :-systemctl enable myservice
#8 :-What command would we use to bring a previously backgrounded process back to the foreground?
Answer :-fg
#9 :-How frequently will the crontab on the deployed instance run?
Answer :-@reboot
#10 :-What is the IP address of the user who visited the site?
Answer :-
#11 :-What file did they access?
Answer :-catsanddogs.jpg